May 3, 2009


Anti-virus application jar format, are in use or in applyed on java phones exactly for Nokia S60v3 phones. Maybe you are the owner of this series mobile phones, can directly download the jar file it here.

F secure is usually used in the computer for security so as not to have contracted the virus, now comes with a version of java, or maybe there is also a format symbian. This is an anti virus java application, and only for java phones.

Filetype: F-Secure. jar
Filesize: -
Platforms: Java (j2me)

Aplikation F-Secure .jar, support for all kinds and types of phones that have or java platform java format. Can the get and download for free at
is, the page or site commonly used applications and friendly. The name apikation is F-Secure .jar for Java phones
posted by : Dee gem
Java Application Updated at: 9:12 AM

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