May 22, 2009

Anti-virus scan

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Anti-virus scan, which is also a security application to avoid the slow inveksi Virus System phones. However, this is only for Java applications. Neither java jar or Java Symbian. Still, this application must be in the Update through Internet connection of course with the use of mobile phones as well as updating. You who like to collect files or any important files, has good anti virus applications that are reliable and can be believed, and most in the Search is a free application.

Anti Virus Scan can be a solution if you need Anti Virus applications. Not just any computer that has security virus, but also have java Mobile. The benefit is the same, only media display systems are different. If you want to try it out you can either download the jar or jad file here, good luck.

Aplikation Anti-virus scan .jar, support for all kinds and types of phones that have or java platform java format. Can the get and download for free at
is, the page or site commonly used applications and friendly. The name apikation is Anti-virus scan .jar for Java phones
posted by : Dee gem
Java Application Updated at: 7:46 AM

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