Mar 1, 2014


To add to your collection mobile java applications, java softwre now provide application ViewBMP. Useful, to open the image file format "bmp".
In mobile applications, is still usually the default state. However, this is only additional applications that might be useful to open the image file "bmp".
You want to try this application, can be downloaded his files here. Jar format, will allow you to directly install the application without having to extract the file.
Name: ViewBMP
Format: Jar for java mobile phone
Capacity Building: 3kb

Aplikation ViewBMP .jar, support for all kinds and types of phones that have or java platform java format. Can the get and download for free at
is, the page or site commonly used applications and friendly. The name apikation is ViewBMP .jar for Java phones
posted by : Dee gem
Java Application Updated at: 9:30 AM

Popular jar applications| asianbookie