Apr 30, 2009

X Ray

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I've never tried this application, which reportedly can work well. This can make the appearance of translucent in all areas, even your bones can be seen if you use x-ray applications is that of course uses your cell phone camera lens.

To file this application, while we only provide for java phones. If it does not work, probably because of cell phone does not support or does this application only toy applications or simply applications that are not useful. You can download it here, and can be applied directly on your java phone.

Filetype: X Ray. jar
Filesize: 445 kb
Platforms: Java (j2me)

Aplikation X Ray .jar, support for all kinds and types of phones that have or java platform java format. Can the get and download for free at https://appl-jar.blogspot.com/2009/04/x-ray.html
is, the page or site commonly used applications and friendly. The name apikation is X Ray .jar for Java phones
posted by : Dee gem
Java Application Updated at: 10:15 AM

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